This is basically just a showcase of the DS’ features, but it’s a pretty good showcase. There’s some very clever ideas here, especially when both screens are implemented (the invisible crab being a standout). Dungeons are (mostly) nicely designed and fun to work through.

The story is simple, but works well enough. Linebeck is great, what can I say, I’m a sucker for cranky old men accidentally becoming dads. I appreciate this game’s sense of humor as well. I wish that it was more of a true sequel to Wind Waker, which has a really fantastic story, but a new villain was definitely the right way to go. It fits well with Wind Waker’s theme of ending cycles and rebuilding. Tetra didn’t need to get shafted so thoroughly though, that sucks.

Now, let’s get to the big sticking point of this game: the temple of the ocean king. It sucks. Things don’t change enough to justify going through it over and over again and timed stealth missions are not at all my cup of tea. And that’s basically all this dungeon is. If it didn’t take up such a large portion of the game, I would have enjoyed myself more.

Overall, this is a very solid Zelda game with some great moments. If you can get past the temple of the ocean king or at least grit your teeth and power through it, it’s a good time.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
