April, 2023

Not at all my first time playing. I've gone through the campaign a few times and participated in multiple seasons. It's been a while, though, and despite gearing up well and accomplishing conquest goals in a couple of seasons I never felt that I played enough to see my characters' full potential. Much has changed, power has very much crept, and with the new season's features and Diablo IV coming soon I want to push hard. I'm sure I'll play this again for seasonal theme/reward reruns, but I'm treating it like a last big hurrah anyway.

For the season, my ambitious plan was to use my crusader (reborn), barbarian (reborn), and wizard (reborn), make a necromancer, and try hardcore for the first time with a monk.

But after an hour and a half with the campaign on my crusader, I decided to set her aside and replay the campaign on my barbarian. The female crusader is my favorite character, and I thought I'd replay with her for a nostalgic way to give the game a send-off... only I enjoyed it too much! So I'm going to save that crusader replay for a live stream to talk about all the things I like. It was a bit silly, anyway; I'm not unlocking any achievements by playing through on a character I've used before (whereas the barbarian, wizard, and necromancer are all under- or unused on my acount).

So I'll start over with my barbarian, whom I never took beyond level 45 and didn't complete the campaign with, and when the story is done I'll pick up my crusader again and level through adventure mode to claim the gifted armor set and start working on the season proper with rift farming and gearing. I might not have the time to do this until next week, though.

March, 2023



I'm marking this as my "finished" date even though I want to spend more time with the various minigames. I managed to complete the story and pick up all of Rusty's Nontendo inventory before the eshop closure.



Played the first six or so puzzles to progress to the point where I could buy the level packs since the eshop is closing. I intend to play Pushmo and Crashmo before continuing.
