Wouldn't say it's the best thing out there, however this series does have it's charms.

This review was written before the game released

Short and sweet. Doesn't need to be anything else

It's should be studied how me hearing a single ost of the game, not only made me buy it and the two season passes, it made me buy and play for a long time my first ever fighting game, a ganre I previously thought not being for me

It still amazes me how Ubisoft created the most recognized villian in all of gaming and then decided to fuck up every other instalment of Far Cry. Although, nothing can change the fact, that Far Cry 3 is going to remain one of gamings greatest games

Those nightmares ain't little

How the fuck are you still alive

I really thought that this will somehow ruin the original TSP


There is not a single child from my generation that hasn't grown up with this game, by either playing it or watching youtube videos of it. To this day, no matter how many other games I have played, Minecraft will forever remain my number 1

Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed the ending.

Spike just wanted to be done with the series and this was probably the best way to do it

Win a game: Feel nothing
Lose a game: The voices are back

Personally, my favourite game out of the AC franchise. I know it was supposed to be like a side-game for Unity, but I feel it kind of overshadowed the main attraction(Unity). The story is unique, Shay Cormac is my second best protagonist right next to Ezio(obviously) and the gameplay is the good old AC combat and stealth. It basically combained everything good from 3 and black flag.

A really good end to the story. And I am so glad that it even got done in the first place after the TT incident

The potential was there, Square Enix just didn't utilize it