8 reviews liked by itzmelol

I am the storm that is approaching

This game isn't worth your time.
Do me a favor and don't play this piece of dogshit. But if you're a diehard DR fan and stubbornly curious about the story/events since it's canon, then tread with caution. It tackles on taboo themes such as child abuse and pedophilia but handles it as if the devs are pedophiles themselves (deliberate panty shots, suggestively placed camera angles, and other weird explicit sexualization onto minors). We as an audience don't need to see a little girl rolling down and landing with her legs spread and panties shown, it's disgusting.

Danganronpa as a series rarely takes itself seriously anyway and this isn't any different. Having a semblance of maturity and sincerity would do this series some good since it ends up being an overly edgy, perverted mess that does more harm in representation than good because it over-sexualizes the very same topics it's trying to shed light on. The message is mitigated completely when you continuously make a perverted example of children for the audience's eyes.

The gameplay isn't anything special, there's many other third person shooters/slashers that are more fulfilling to play, and the graphics are mediocre for 2015 (looks like a poorly made mmd, there's a looped gif of the monokuma kids crowd cheering in the background that looks uncanny and makes your eyes bleed).

The story is bizarre and morbid, but has nothing really special nor captivating going for it, I found it to be lacking in real weight and mostly filled with shock value through graphic content to form it's identity. It wants to be despairing and it delivers on that, but this isn't necessarily something to be counted as a positive. It's the most disturbing DR game story-wise, but it has no real charm nor impact on the player like how the other games at least did. It has no class trials, no personal choices of bonding with characters, it has no mystery to it, no satisfying or thought-provoking ending, it's just a crude spin-off. This is a DR game that severely lacks what made DR special for many people. This game's personality is the overly edgy 14 year old tumblr user.

The characters are one of the few reasons you would care about this game, since they have some substance to them. To put a silver lining, this game makes Toko's character from unbearable to somewhat bearable with her development and dynamic with Komaru. Komaru as a protagonist is okay, if Makoto was an everyman boy in THH, then Komaru is the everywoman girl. The Warriors of Hope you can empathize with and appreciate as characters but the game direction treats them with no respect or grace.

The OST at least is amazing because it's made by Masafumi Takada, and he did a great job on this game.

Overall, this game is awful. There's better games to play as games, and more interesting stories to view with your time.

This review was written before the game released

I can't even call Spider-Man 2: The Game a finished product. It is a game that's constantly falling apart at the seams of its jank and miserable budget. Despite being only twice the length of the movie its trying to adapt, it feels far more hollow, limp, and most importantly, soulless.

Wacky GTA, what more could you want?