This is less of a review and more of an ongoing journal and my immediate impressions of the game.

This game is really blowing my mind. The dialogue isn't awful like most modern JRPGs, and the characters are not actively pissing me off by existing.

The ability to set priority tables with conditions for skill usage is simply awesome. This is only the 2nd game I've ever seen that offers this feature, and it really allows you to take advantage of the game in very unique ways.

It has a relationship system that lets you grow your relationships between your characters, with certain milestones triggering cutscenes and events. Presumably these relationships will later affect the story. Very cool.

Once you get past the introduction, you shockingly are put into a free-roam overworld where you can freely visit towns and outposts, buy and sell, hire and fire units, and even do quests. There are units on the overworld that you can talk to, some of them giving you items and equipment, and other even giving you access to side quests.

There are also nodes for certain resources that replenish themselves, one-time treasure locations, and even hidden items on the world map for you to discover.

This is one of the first games in a long time that I'm excited to play.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024
