26 reviews liked by jackpot_sad_girl

sometimes i hate being a key fan cause all i know is pain

Kodaka has done it again. How much you’ll like this game is all down to how you read that. I’ve been all in on his bullshit for years now so I’m too far gone. Save yourselves.

i have to sit in the sun for eight ingame days so i can play as my irl skin tone

Like Hotel dusk, this suffers from form over substance which is sad considering how nice the concept of the plot is and how much potential it had.


this is possibly the worst thing i have ever fucking played cheritz you crazy son of a bitch

Probably the worst mobile otome i've played
Teo reminds me why i'm a lesbian
Monitised systems upon monitised systems upon waiting 20 mins for teo to breathe
Even ikevamp was better than this.
Cheritz need to come out with a real hit after this.

unrealistically terrible for how big cheritz is. like how did this happen