MGS3 is objectively an impressive game, so impressive to the point where it should be considered the best the Metal Gear Saga has to offer... and yet I put it below games like MGS1, MGS2 and MGSV.
I struggled to understand why for a very long time but I came to the conclusion that maybe it's the fact that each of the games I mentioned earlier left "a mark" on me for a reason or another, they felt special, while Snake Eater is a VERY good game but it fails to feel special to me in any way, I don't feel that personal attachment that I feel towards other MGSs. Still, I recommend this game to everyone and I can't wait for the remake

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024


4 months ago

damn for me this is easily the most emotional of all the mgs ( besides mgsv cuz i havent played ) still prefer mgs2 tho

4 months ago

It's complicated, I kinda wish I liked MGS3 more than I actually do

(about MGSV, it's a very personal opinion of mine, kinda unpopoular considering MGSV is controversial because of the kojima-konami stuff, mission51 etc.)