Let's say that I've had a contentious relationship with the Jet Set Radio franchise. I would argue that those games are the epitome of Style Over Substance, with phenomenal aesthetics and mostly great soundtracks; however, the gameplay itself always rubbed me the wrong way. In the original, it felt like a rough draft of a neat idea with it's rough controls and even rougher camera. In Future, they ironed out a lot of the controls, but there was just something with the level design and enemy encounters that I couldn't get past.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a game which almost entirely overcomes all of those shortcomings it's influences fell victim to. The soundtrack is front to back amazing, the aesthetics are still great, the controls are tight as all hell, and the level design compliments it's more Tony Hawk Pro Skater style of combos perfectly.

There's just one issue for me: Combat. Any time I'm faced with an enemy who's counter strategy isn't just "maneuver up it's body and spray paint the weak spot" is a slog. These kind of games do not and have never needed traditional boss fights like the spider tank, in which you have to Super Mario Bros style hit a big guy three times. Moments like the aforementioned fight take away from the free movement the game focuses on for 85% of it's play time and it's a frustrating detour that doesn't add anything of value to the overall experience.

Those harsh words aside, Bomb Rush is a fantastic ride in spite of said shortcomings and, if Team Reptile decide to make a direct follow-up, I can only imagine it'll be one of the best games ever made.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024
