A weirdly charming game that despite starring a MC that has...a personality...and a horny one at that, the actual game is quite wholesome compared to JRPGs that followed.

The combat was pretty but also kind of forgettable, but the story and cast are quite charming, seeing you go on dates to power up and forge new weapons.

If this game was made today, we'd see some stoic and emotionless MC surrounded by a forgettable harem that showed their boobs off or were filled with lewd scenes.

Thankfully it wasn't made today, but in the past! So if you want a game that has dating mechanics interwoven with its gameplay, try giving this game a shot.

A game that leaves me torn. Gameplay wise, presentation wise, this one murders the past Persona games with its style, kinda making it a bit hard to go back and replay older titles.

Story wise though I found this game to be the least likeable. The 'bosses' or dungeons besides one or two are helmed by such laughably cartoonishly evil characters that it makes it hard to take seriously. And while the cast is better than most of its peers, to me pales in comparison to Persona 4, possibly 3. Some of their social links are straight out boring to go through.

But again balanced out by so much stuff to do and see, the sim side of the game really shines.

It sees some definite improvements in the choice department, making for some really wider swings on what can befall these folks, most of the cast is also...Really annoying. I never know what I'm supposed to feel about the cast with games like this, are they trying to have me save them or hate the cast soooo much that I will enjoy seeing all of them horribly murdered? Until Dawn's cast was a bit more balanced in this regard. Still, some very memorable performances all around.

Like others have voiced, I wish the creatures featured in this game were scarier as well.