I really expected to like this one more, but unfortunately I decided to give up on it a few worlds in (love the 2D overworld map by the way, great stuff).

I'm someone who didn't play any of the Super Monkey Ball games and only played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle briefly when I rented it back in the day, so my personal connection with 3D rolling games is pretty small. I love the idea of a little guy bouncing and jumping around colorful platform levels (and I do like a good speedy time trial race every now and then). Throw in the tongue mechanics - like Frogun did, another throwback-indie platformer, tongues are SO hot right now - and there's some fun movement to be had here.

I just ended up getting way too frustrated with this one. The whole game feels like you're on ice, sliding everywhere, I felt like control was out of my hands and turns and jumps were way too slippery. If Sami controlled tight as hell and could turn on a dime, this wouldn't necessarily make the game easier, cause you'd still need the reflexes and timing skills, but it would feel so much better. Especially since this game runs buttery smooth with a super high frame rate.

There's lots of things here for people to like and some people are definitely having a ball (heh heh) with this one but I'm throwing in the towel after too many annoying cheap deaths and it not being much fun anymore. Being able to restart on a dime is definitely nice, but monotony can only go so far. Sure, I can lower the difficulty and get rid of the time limit, but I'm STILL slipping and falling off the tiny ass ledges and getting stuck in the damage-animation where you jump into the air grabbing your ass in pain like Super Mario 64 and you have little to no control over where you land and it results in getting hurt again, or dying.

Sorry Sami, you're cute and all and all the customizable outfits are fun, but I'm tapping out bud.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
