2 Reviews liked by jdmorales89

Thought a lot about this game even after finishing it. Would be close to perfection to me but felt that the first game was a little lacking and did not have the "final case" oomph that I expect from Ace Attorney games.

However, the second game completely makes up for it, and really carries the duology.

Overall this was a disappointing game for me. I'm a huge fan of the original Phoenix Wright trilogy and enjoy the gameplay loop of the ace attorney games, but for me this one missed the mark. They introduce some new mechanics to the trial with the introduction of the jury mechanic for most trials and lots of cross-examinations having multiple witnesses on the stand.
For me I found these to be a bad addition that slowed up trials and ruined the flow of the court sequences. Additionally there were multiple instances of the dialogue coming across kind of clunky and slowing progression, such as multiple instances where characters would learn of some new fact for the case then seemingly have forgotten it moments later and being surprised when they hear about it again. Another aspect of the old games that I found to be a let down in this one were the characters, with most of them being just annoying and feeling like a chore to interact with.

There are nice QOL features added in with this game though, such as the ability to bring up the past bunch of dialogue in case you missed something, the ability to go to any location from anywhere instead of being limited to 3 options like in the Phoenix Wright trilogy, and your partner usually notifying you if you haven't been to an area in awhile as a hint that you probably need to go there to either talk to somebody or investigate some part of the location to advance.
To me the setting doesn't work as well as the modern day setting of the other games and also a lot of the twists in this game were either very predictable or at least realized much quicker than the characters in game would figure them out, which made the game feel like it was really dragging in points because you're just going through a bunch of dialogue waiting for the characters in game to catch up and realize what you the player have already figured out.
This is probably a good game if you're new to the series but in my opinion, if you've played one of the other ace attorney games before then you're better off just playing either the Phoenix Wright trilogy or the Apollo Justice Trilogy, as they have much smoother writing and more interesting and memorable characters and cases.