something that annoys me abt this website is how it or letterboxd seem to want to be each other, like its copying a lot of the same page structure and not to mention the genre classification is rly unspecific nd only covers the broad strokes. unfortunately neither websites' structure allows for as something as indepth as rym's genre categorization, which has users constantly cataloguing tons of small niche scenes and sounds across music history, same applies for rym's movies and video game sites. rym is not perfect by any means (community's suffering from twitter backwash, as are most websites), but at least it has that going for it. also this game is okay it just gets like annoying sometimes

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

I wouldn't mind it if here cribbed some of the better parts of Letterboxd, like how if you check who's liked a review it tells you who among them's actually watched the film themselves (plus a link to their own review if they've also reviewed it) and being able to filter reviews by rating. Little things like that would go a long way I think.