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i so badly want to rate this 5 stars, but the nostalgia factor isn't enough to overlook many aspects of the game that could have been improved in the remake but weren't.

awl was my first sos/hm game - i sunk countless hours into it as a kid. this remake is very faithful to the original, including the somewhat clunky controls and mechanics. for those coming into this as a new player, they will likely find these aspects lacking in comparison to newer titles in the series. dialogue, character dev, etc. are not as robust, and the set timeline may be jarring for those who prefer a somewhat endless playstyle. however, it is near impossible to "fail" this game unless you are actively trying. this makes for very relaxing playstyle with just enough motivation to carry out your chores. i wish the mechanics had been buffed, and while i can appreciate the new art style and music, i still like the originals better. however, i believe that these updates were appropriate to reflect the intentions of the remastering.