2 Reviews liked by jellykebab

It's quite beautiful to make a game with this much interactivity with a singular button. Puzzles feel good, look good, and are very digestible without being solved at first glance. I feel like puzzle games kinda struggle with a good balance between rocket surgery and square block goes into square hole, but this strikes it nicely.

I'm kinda missing a point to it all? It's like this was a project to explore interactivity, which I guess is fine on its own, but it's just a bit wasted potential to be this immersed and only end up thinking about button presses. Kinda feels like I just had sex for 6 hours without cumming? Like it's nice and all, but.. I like cumming

Yes, I know, the game looks a lot like Undertale to you. I thought the same and I still do, but trust me when I say the game has a LOT more to offer.

The two most notable selling points are the AMAZING soundtrack and STELLAR visuals. I really can't emphasize how great the soundtrack is; the last OST to hook me this much was Guilty Gear Strive, and that was 2 years ago!
Other than that the story is good enough, it's interesting and you'll be thinking about it for a few days after your playthrough.

More of a neutral point but the gameplay is a mixed bag: it's good, but I assumed this was a rhythm game (given music is central to the game) but the timing of your inputs isn't meant to match the beat of the music. It's not a bad thing, but definitely something I was bummed about but quickly got over.

Great game, slightly short but makes great use of its time. Easily worth full price