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1 day

Last played

March 11, 2024

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Dark Souls II's final DLC, while not as strong as the first two, is still a decent time, containing a fun area and an excellent boss. The Frozen City is HUGE with many branching paths and initially blocked areas that I got a bit overwhelmed. It's still fun to traverse through, but the enemies here are pretty tough and deal a lot of damage. Enemy placement here was also just right, being maybe a little bit more difficult than Brume Tower and Shulva as you have multiple invaders (who are douches I might add), spellcasters and frozen knights coming after you, however I never found it to be a gank fest which is nice. The bosses here range from meh to incredible. Aava and it's two copy cats are nothing to write home about, very average bosses (maybe a bit below for the second fight as it's just the same boss copy pasted twice). However, this is all forgiven as the boss fight with the Burnt Ivory King is fantastic. Not only does it require you to explore the city fully for the knights to assist you, (which is awesome) the presentation here is gorgeous, which DS2 happens to already excel at. This boss fight is just below Fume Knight only because I feel that fight begins quickly and is a great 1v1. Otherwise, an awesome and unique boss fight that I loved encountering. Also, the fridged outskirts area is probably the worst area in the entire series, even more so than Shrine of Amana. Thankfully, it's optional and only leads to the copy paste cat fight I mentioned earlier. A solid way to end off DS2, the DLCs are a good time and I recommend them.