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March 28, 2024

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Ah... the SNES FF that avoided us in the 90s. I have no idea why Square didn't localize this one back then, but because of that I never got around to playing it, despite being a big FF fan in the 90's/early 00's. Anyway, I finally got to try it thanks to the Pixel Remaster, so... yay!

Final Fantasy V is a pretty standard FF game, with a medieval setting with hints of modernity and the classic ATB turn based system. Compared to other FF games from that era (like IV, VI and VII), V strays more on the silly side with characters and plot. Because of this, it takes a little bit for the game to land, since the first few hours are very vanilla. One of the most notable aspects of FFV is its job system. Characters don't have defined roles, instead you assign jobs (like White Mage, Knight, etc) to them. Each job has a set of abilities that you can learn to eventually customize your characters a fair amount. Thanks to this system, you can take Lenna, the usual princess trope, and turn her into a badass Ninja Mage instead of the usual healer role she'd have in a regular FF game (which is, ironically, the role I gave her). At the beginning of the game you are limited to a small amount of jobs but the system really opens up as you progress through the game.

Overall, I think this game is great. After its slow-ish start, the plot becomes pretty good and features some awesome moments (like that scene with Galuf). In terms of gameplay, the job system makes it stand out from other FF games thanks to the ability to customize your characters. I don't think FFV manages to move VI and IX from their spots as my favorite FFs, but it's definitely up there as a very high quality entry in the franchise.