40 reviews liked by jnWake

When i say “you cant make a game like this anymore” i dont mean any annoying political tripe or cultural thing, i mean that writers are too scared to have the main villain turn himself into a splinter (im splinter exdeath!!!) for the sole purpose of telling you his master plan and then proceeding to get into a dbz style fistfight with a turtle. The chocobos dont dance to their own theme anymore, you dont get a single small room where you have to slide on your face to hide from enemies (you dont even get the choice) anymore, the list goes on. If any of these stupid wacky things happened nowadays its be a shitty parody game with annoying dialogue that hates itself for being an rpg.
Thats what FFV’s biggest strength is: it loves itself. FFV is a love letter to the series as a whole up to this point, including itself. Its silly and goofy, but the emotional parts of the story still hit hard, and the systems are some the best of any ATB game. (I will defend ATB btw i love this system)
4 is what got me into this series, 5 is what made me fall in love with it.
I am never 100% this game again

The complete opposite of Xenoblade 1. The story was uninteresting for about 70% of its runtime, but the combat is amazing. So complex, it took me 20 hours to actually understand all of this games systems. But it was a blast. I would actively look for overworld boss battles just to fight more.
Also. Zeke and Mórag>>>>> Rex and Tora. Sorry

This game is not as bad as people think - it’s worse.

This was a short, fun and compact experience.

I enjoyed spending time with Shulk and Melia again as well as being introduced to Kino and Nene.

The stand out of this short DLC would be how dense the new zone is. There's plenty to explore and makes the base game zones feel overly large and barren in comparison.

Was a very nice self-contained story and was a nice epilogue to Melia's character arc in particular.

Good, short adventure. Enemies were much more challenging than the base game.

Proud of the monolith devs who decided to not only shrink the party size, but also made sure the two members with notoriously bad AI stay.

Solid game in pretty much every aspect. I just don't think it stands out in any particular way. I appreciated that it had so many different elements at play, such as the light RPG mechanics and a unique combat system. It's just a little on the simple side. It's pleasant, though.

This was a very good game for sure.
Great story, music, characters, gameplay, etc.
The pacing is good, I didn't feel bored at any point.
I can find no flaws with the game, it's extremely good

Complete playthrough. A thoroughly 'okay' 2D platformer that's over very quickly (a full playthrough takes roughly 1-2 hours), Congo's Caper is enjoyable enough, but feels very generic and doesn't really excel in any particular areas. On a platform featuring a lot of games in this style - some still at the very peak of their genre - it needs to do much more to leave a lasting positive impression.