I'm not joking when I say this game was weirdly... Zen? Like going into the game you know that it's going to be hard, and you know you're going to die a lot. Then at a certain point you learn to give in and just let what happens happen. Sure some parts may be agonizing and bullshit, but that's life, the sooner you learn to live with it the easier it becomes to live with. As you go on and get used to the cycle of starting over and over and over, you start to go into a flow state. With every boss that you learn more about with each pass, you start to learn things about yourself in the process. The cost of being too greedy to speed it up, will usually lead to an ever faster death. Realizing that sometimes all you have to do is be patient and eventually it'll come to you. There's no time limit, no penalty for taking your time. So why not sit down, and stay a while. It's a lovely ride.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2022
