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February 12, 2023

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Look, I don't need to write a long review telling you why Metroid Prime is a masterpiece. Its arguably the best Metroid ever made (tho I'm more partial to Super Metroid myself) with its incredible exploration, puzzles, first person combat, soundtrack, and world. So instead, let me just express how great of a remaster this is.

This game is one of, if not THE best looking game on the Switch. The amount of work that was done here is incredibly impressive. You can look at some of the screenshots online that compare the GC original to this game for yourself to see how great Retro did here with the visuals. Not only that, but Prime Remastered also added dual stick controls, while also letting players choose from the game's original control scheme and even the motion controls from Prime Trilogy on the Wii. This, plus a plethora of extras that you can unlock, make playing through Metroid Prime again such a joy.

Metroid Prime Remastered was without a doubt made to spark up hype for Metroid Prime 4. I hope that Prime 2 & 3 will be joining Metroid Prime with their own remasters of this quality, but only time will tell. I would not be surprised if Nintendo and Retro Studios are getting ready for some Prime 4 reveals later this year, if this release is anything to go on.

If you haven't played Metroid Prime before, get this game ASAP. If you have played it before, I'd say the visual overhaul and great new controls make this worth a repurchase. Especially because this remaster is only $40, in a rare Nintendo W for pricing. Metroid Prime has always been a must-play game, and Prime Remastered is the best version of it to date.