Look, this game has no right to exist, let alone be $70. The fact that Playstation and Naughty Dog approved for this to be made is quite baffling to me, as The Last of Us was nowhere near a place of needing a remake. But can I deny that this game is an all time favorite of mine? Should I ignore the fact that the story is one of the best in all of gaming? Should I disregard that the gameplay has been greatly refined and feels so much better to play than the original or previous remaster of the game?

You know The Last of Us, so I'm not going to do my usual kind of review where I break down the story, gameplay, etc. Instead, I'll keep this short. Both sides of the argument are right: this game should not exist and is severely overpriced. But, it IS the best way to play this all-time classic. And if you've never played The Last of Us before, this is absolutely worth your time and money. But for those of us who have played it before, you should maybe wait for a sale or wait for the PC version to drop, whenever that is.

Despite the fact that its very existence is baffling, this remake made me fall in love with the game all over again, and was extremely enjoyable for the entire playthrough. The graphics were stunning and the gameplay was super refined. There's a little bit of an art direction change with this remake that I was unsure of when seeing screenshots online. But after playing it for myself, I felt that it worked and didn't take away from the experience at all.

Highly recommend this for newcomers to the game, but wait for a sale and/or the PC version for all veterans.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
