Legitimately one of the BEST FPS games of the last 10 years and probably the best futuristic fps ever in my book (sorry Halo, your levels aren't nearly as exciting as the levels in this game)

While being short, the campaign in this game is all killer and almost no filler whatsoever. The story isn't half bad but won't floor you, but what will floor you is the gameplay! The movement is so fluid and smooth, with perfected wall run, double jump and sliding mechanics as well as perfect gun-play and balance to all of the guns in the game.

I do have to admit though that the dynamic this game sets up between you and BT is absolutely incredible. If you're looking for a short (6ish hours) but amazing experience then please do yourself a favor and play through this game.

Also, the multiplayer is pretty cool too but prepared to get stomped by veterans of this game regularly

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2021
