I like the setting but even for 1986 this game a lil rough though. Hitboxes are roughly defined, Sayo-chan moves at a very laxidasical pace which makes avoiding things difficult (if the guys that cling to you and mess up your movement touch you, you're already dead). The game also likes to just absolutely throw shit at you from all directions at seemingly random and has plenty of classic "pay up sucker" difficulty spike arcadeisms to it as a whole. Definitely make sure to set the dip switches to the easy mode and/or use save states to make the game much more comfortable. Probably better to just give the SNES sequels/reboots/whatever a play instead of this, cuz unless you are historically curious to play this, its just a pretty standard difficult 80's arcade game painted with a nice youkai setting.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
