Oh boy. To say this is an underwhelming payoff to three games worth of buildup is a bit of an understatement. This volume is .hack at its absolute grindiest with most of the game revolving around random virus core farming. Don't pay the absurd prices to play this physically, I assumed this was rare and expensive because it was amazing when in actuality it seemed like not a lot of copies were made for an extremely grindy game that basically requires 3 previous games worth of context to get any understanding out of. I don't think the .hack IMOQ series is absolutely horrible, but looking at this game on its own, yeesh what a way to go out.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2023


1 year ago

RIP people who spent $300+ on this. . . . . . . . . .

1 year ago

@SunlitSonata yup...goes to show my philosophy of a retro game being expensive means you're going to get the greatest game ever made or a steaming pile of shit

1 year ago

@tunasalad On the one hand you have Xenosaga III, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Haunting Ground and Little Samson.
On the other hand, you have most of the library of failed consoles like the Atari Jaguar or 3DO, and legendarily bad stuff like Big Rigs Over the Road Racing and Devil's Third.

1 year ago

i think a games price is not exactly an indicator of quality as there are plenty of fantastic games you can get for cheap and not so great games you can spend tons of money on

Its much more of a general supply/demand thing methinks