FUCK YEAH TRAINS! this game is like the definition of "this shouldn't be fun, but it is". the train is a delicate maiden, and you must learn and understand how to properly wield it in order to get through the game in one credit. The game is a game about nuance and precision, as you gotta make sure your train accelerates, deaccelerates, and stops exactly where it needs to so you land your train precisely at the station precisely when you need to. if you miss the mark of where u stop by even a little bit, points are docked, if you miss the timing of the train by a few seconds, points are docked. This game demands perfection, which for most other games would make it frustrating, but considering this games arcade roots plus the fact a full train run is only a few minutes long, it becomes this really addicting game of slowly working your way to understand the train better and eventually get it to arrive on time in place. game is based, play it you don't even need jp knowledge

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
