another mostly dissapointing spinoff to the senran kagura series. Conceptually water-gun based shooters are honestly hype ngl and we don't see that concept being done too often due to shooters tending to focus on real dangerous weaponry instead of wacky watergun times, so when you see a squirt gun shooter its either hyperstylized like splatoon or just a cash grab to make a shooter for kids that have parents that forbid them from playing any shooters with realistic weaponry. So to hear that a medium-sized studio was gonna make a third person shooter about squirt guns, it definitely caught my attention. I'd already played enough senran kagura games to understand the level of quality I was in for, but I feel like all together this game just doesn't feel good to play. Movement feels weird, controls feel weird, the weapons and hitboxes don't feel right, it all just feels off in a sort of strange way. Plus the fact that everyone uses the same set of weapons really throws all the character diversity out the window outside of a few special attacks, which is lame. Play this if you are horny, i guess?

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
