interestin lil action RPG with bump combat thats surprisingly not as weird to control or use as you'd think and INCREDIBLE MUSIC. the OST for this game is god-tier, not gonna lie. The game is a remaster of the first 2 ys games, and while I think Ys 1 is very focused and concise with what it wants to do and be, Ys 2 on the other hand feels really scattered in terms of what it wants to be. Both games end up with you navigating a massive late-game dungeon that will probably take up half of your total play time, so if you aren't a fan of big dungeons and wanna keep moving to different new locations in your games this one might not be for you. The voice acting is also phenominal for its time, most games of this vintage with voice acting sound like they just got 2 interns with a mic to do the voices, but this one actually has voice talent put behind it which is extremely rare, so that's cool too. I think this is one of the finer gems of the PC engine/turbografx, definitely a must play in that systems library.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2023
