It's neat, but doesn't do too much that's exciting on its own. It's a pretty standard 2D platformer flash game with slippery controls, amiga-esque level design, and strange hitboxes/physics. It's nothing too frustrating or unfun but also not that exciting or fun as a game itself either, def one of those things that just exists. The real interesting part of this game is its ties to Nintendo, essentially functioning as an advertising advent calendar for the company as each level is tied to a DS or wii game and completing them gives ya some wallpapers, ringtones, system icons, trailers, info, and screenshots for whatever game the level was advertising. The game has enough charm through its presentation, advent calendar-style pacing, and ties to nintendo, but it's also nothing worth getting upset over if you can't play it. It definitely feels exactly like a game that would only be found by someone actively trying to dig as deep as possible into obscure Nintendo releases, and then call the game a hidden gem or something when it's just a pretty okay platformer with some ads. The game works on flashpoint and there's even a remake on steam, but the download links to the game wallpapers and whatnot are long gone by now. Certainly an existent game!

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
