It's difficult, but yall already knew that. The game has the slower, more methodical platforming like something out of castlevania but the level and enemy design is hand crafted to exploit the diagonal space where your attacks won't hit but the enemies will. It's basically designed to wring your quarters out of you like a bully taking your lunch money so of course it's not balanced. That being said I think the only real BULLSHIT is in the last 2 levels as they have no checkpoints and have particularly brutal bosses, levels 1-4 are actually rather manageable if you memorize the layouts and know the games vibe. You do have to play through the game twice to get the "true" ending but honestly the second loop is really barely any different from the first loop so I just spend the second loop as a power fantasy using rewind features to TAS-twerk through all the garbage that gave me so much trouble in the first loop. That certainly felt good.

All in all, everything that could be said about this game likely already has. It's hard, grass is green, play if you want to take the challenge, yadda yadda

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
