Very simple-series-core in that it's a lower-budget experimental Japanese game that's certainly memorable as a concept but the actual act of playing it is just kinda eh. While you certainly can bumrush the main story of the game by only pushing the main goal of sucking a set amount of blood from set points on people, the game encourages exploring around the rooms to find tons of microscopic collectables, and due to their small size it's hard to really find and collect em. The last few levels are also a bit on the cheap annoyingly difficult side so that's certainly cool. Despite the meh gameplay I can't hate this game though because it's literally a game where a single mosquito absolutely ruins an entire family. The game originally retailed for 50 bucks and its market value nowadays is even greater and I certainly can't say it's worth either of those prices ngl

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2023
