Pros: Massive adventure, creative level design, tons of fun new power-ups, incredible music, a solid map, and really great graphics for its day. This is a contender for best NES game, objectively.

Cons: The levels are a bit short, not the worst thing, but a little on the short side. The way powerups run away from you after you hit a '?' block is a bit annoying, I'll be honest, glad they fixed that in later Mario games. Aaaaand, hmm, Mario's overalls are black, after they were blue in SMB2, that's a bit of a step backwards in my book, heh... Alright, that's hardly a slight. This game is mostly pluses, full of em.

What it means to me: Unfortunately, I missed the boat on this game when it came out, missed the entire hype wave. Didn't play it til All-Stars, and it was fine, but at a young age, I found it too difficult. And then really got into it, and finally completed the game after it received the GBA release, and that's when I truly appreciated it for the first time. Naw, yeah, this is a stellar title. It just doesn't mean as much to me as other games I grew up with, and was closer to.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
