I want so desperately to dig into a Klei game and feel like I'm connecting with it; but somehow despite the adorable aesthetic these silliness merchants manage to make the most punishing, stressfully designed games imaginable. I think that's a positive?

ONI is an absolute world class physics simulation sim with a compelling aesthetic and so, so many menus. I think it's top of the line if you dig that kind of thing. I'm still scarred from watching my little guys boil alive in a pit of poisonous gasses of my own design, but don't let that stop you if you want to discover any of the many more whimsically excruciating ways you can put your little guys through hell.

Truly astonishing air combat sim that delivers on perfect, nail-biting action and a deeply riveting story. Not a moment wasted in delivering effortlessly original feeling and visually bombastic set pieces that I'm still thinking about a full year after playing it. The frankly out of this world Keiki Kobayashi + Co. score helps too. Feels like these characters are going to stick with me forever, and if people's attachment to the rest of the series is anything to go by, AC7 makes me deeply excited to revisit those (Remaster, please?)

Also worth noting? This game has like, stances, and ethos? The story is a military political drama that uses allegory without feeling completely vapid? Feels so refreshing in a big budget story these days. More, please.

What if it was ALL so good. Fantastic design sensibilities and a game that is just, absolute dynamite to play on all levels. Short, trimmed, and effortlessly well directed. Please play it? And then play it again.

What if you simply pushed every aspect of the previous game to the absolute limit? More art, more personality, somehow even stronger visual design and music, more readable puzzles without losing the challenge of the thing; La Mulana 2 is great. It's electric, and I'm glad we have it because it is sitting at the absolute apex of this genre.

A game I was hesitant to initially get into but eventually won me over with stellar puzzles and an excellent soundtrack. Despite its throwback sense of game design, I'm glad to have all these hard copy maps with notes sitting around because that's truly the only way to play.

Sometimes a game will Get you. Go in blind and understand why everyone loves this little thing.

It's hard to even know what to say. After a half decade under a mad tyrant with a confused design philosophy, Mojang really pulled off the turnaround of the century not only making Minecraft functional on its own, but pumping it full of new, welcome personality with more on the way. Easily an all time favorite.

Feels like this champion of the proletariat is forever going to be stuck facing up to its neighbors Dark Souls and Skyrim. But why feel the need to compete when you are so effortlessly ahead of both. Engaging, unique mechanics and a deeply memorable world on top of some of the most over the top personality you could ever want, going at full force through the entire game. Pure bliss.