One of my favorite comedy games.

The levels do kinda bleed together a bit and the game is kinda jank but it's held together by one of the funniest stories I've ever seen in a video game. I normally don't play games primarily for the story but Spark 2's story toes the line between irony and sincerity so well that you genuinely can't tell which one of the two it is. Several "jaw-dropping" moments and edgy tropes are played so straight that it ends up looping around into hilarious, accentuated by the limited 3D cutscene animation. You can very much tell this was LakeFerperd's first game animating 3D cutscenes, and while the attempt was admirable it gives the cutscenes an additional level of hilarity. Play this for the laughs and an interesting take in 3D speedy platformer gameplay, it'll at least get a laugh or two out of you.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
