I don't think I've ever experienced a piece of media that has made me feel so many different emotions over the span of it. I felt comfort, intrigue, anger, disbelief, love, regret, confusion, happiness, and so much more over the course of my twenty hour play-through, a testament to what Neil Druckmann has directed and co-written. The interspesing of flashbacks was particularly effective, giving me insight into the complicated history of both Ellie and Abby, two complex individuals. Many will point out decisions that they, among others in the cast of characters, have made that seem irrational or dumb. Here's the thing -- humans aren't always rational. Humans don't always have the foresight akin to that of a gamer playing this game in the comfort of their own home. These characters are human. They make mistakes. They try to deal with them, sometimes in messed up ways that don't get them anywhere. Ellie makes an argument for revenge, but The Last of Us II makes the argument that revenge isn't always the answer. This is one of my favorite stories of all time, across all mediums. I know I'll be thinking about it far longer than I spent experiencing it.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2020
