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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 28, 2022

Platforms Played


I must say that i played this using the ps plus classic emulator, and honestly I think it enhanced the experience, cause of the rewind feature (without it, the game could be easily classified as frustating, and my rating would be lower).

Besides the strange control scheme and some unintuitive game design ( I Highly advice using a guide if you get stuck), which are due to it being more than 20 years old, This game has a lot to show: a Museum, a catacomb, a castle, a russian missile base, and a lot of interactivity with the enviroment, like shooting chandeliers, test tubes, locked gates and so on. It's more action oriented than metal gear, but there are some obligatory stealth sequences too. It's realy fun overrall and realy surprised me