I don't think this game is for me. I'm into horror games but the ones who don't let you actually do anything against the enemy other than run are not my cup of tea. It gets frustrating and repetitive if you die, instead of actually being scary, cause you know what will happen next time. I think it's a cheap way of doing horror and I respect who likes it, but it's really not for me and it's what made me drop this game.

The story while interesting is nothing new. A teenager feels guilty about the death of a friend and goes through a journey to learn more about herself and what happened. It's really generic, but I think the game does make it sound interesting in a way.

Gameplay is not a thing here. You walk and open doors. That's basically it. If a scary monster is following you, the character will run automatically.

I wish I could like this more and finish it to have a better opinion on the story, but I feel like not finishing it is not my fault. The game is just not what I enjoy in horror.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
