Vib-Ribbon is one of the few games where the magic can only be understood on the original hardware it was meant to be played alongside. The main campaign of the game is more a demonstration for the real reason you would play the game, which is to insert your own music CDs to play. Even if the auto-generated tracks that Vibri walks on can be hit or miss when choosing difficulty, it's fun to experiment what kind of auto-generation can occur when switching between different music genres. It's that exact gaming experience you cannot replicate through the emulated version and through the unique circumstance of how the PS1 hardware functions. This is not to discredit the content that already exists in the game, as the core soundtrack of Vib-Ribbon is satisfying enough. It's some of the happiest, poppy, and child-like tunes you will encounter on the system.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
