i should have done this a long time ago, but i finally decided that as a self-proclaimed rogue-like enthusiast, i should actually play the game that introduced the genre.

it's a turn-based ascii dungeon crawler that uses a lot of text-based inputs to progress. it's really simplistic in presentation and truthfully, it is simple in gameplay as well (despite how much more complex it may seem as thanks to the lack of tutorial and long list of commands). it was... fun? but i've definitely been spoiled by the roguelikes of modern day. i played a few runs, never really did particularly great, and i doubt i'll ever really come back and try to progress super far. i will say though, that this brought back a lot of really fond memories of making my own text-based choose your own adventure dungeon crawler in high school when learning to code. overall, just happy to finally have experienced it!

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

maybe "simplistic" is doing this game a disservice, because it does have a lot of depth. i think i'm just tainted by how wild modern rogue-likes (or 'lites') tend to be. it's a fun timewaster and i do wish it wasn't so underrated in the genre its created.