A New Home 2014

Log Status






Time Played

12h 52m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

May 21, 2022

First played

May 17, 2022

Platforms Played


My thoughts on this game are best summarized with this: Play OFF so that you can play HOME with the full context.
I've never been the biggest fan of OFF, as much as I loved Zacharie. I just thought that there was too much combat and not enough story, and small child as I was, I never really understood the story that OFF was trying to tell anyway. Because of those factors, I didn't exactly remember everything that happened in OFF, so when I told my friend that, they were like "Perfect time to replace it with HOME, then." and I was like, you know what? Sure.
And it happened, now all of OFF has been overwritten and all I know is HOME.
It was a slow start at first, given that I felt the same grievances I had with OFF: I simply didn't enjoy the combat style and the room layouts were too confusing for my brain to process them properly and it made me frustrated. As well as I had troubles with some of the puzzles, but I just cheated by looking at playthroughs on Youtube. (i'm a dirty cheater and not a true gamer)
But by the latter half of the game, I really got into it, as evidenced by the uninterrupted 8 hours I spent on it.
I believe that this game improves on every aspect of OFF; The characters, the overall story, the combat, it's all better. I was way more invested in it than I was ever in OFF, and I just really love the main cast. They're all so lovable and funny and cute and I love cats. This game has so many cats. Play it for all the cats. Maybe if OFF was more cat-focused I'd like it better. Much to think about.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that HOME is good. It's a good game, everyone should play it after they play OFF. The end was so good, and not to give anything away, but the pay-off was amazing. And the end song slaps! Play it to the end to listen to the awesome song.
Also, I said I was gonna mention this: I got vored in this game. That may have affected the rating. Maybe.
Also also, Zacharie is in it. He is a delight, as always. I get immense amounts of joy from him. I also get immense amounts of joy from Jozlyn, my darling Nepeta kinnie. Play this game.