My the COVID game.

I came to it rather late into the COVID isolation, which meant I was in a perfect spot to connect with its depiction of offices with empty tables, dim lights, and rooms filled with workplaces with little privacy. As I walked through the Oldest House, I felt deep nostalgia and a kind of comfort for all the cubicles and desks I passed, imagining working there myself and doing all the regular office things that we’ve come to mock and dislike. After a year and a half of social distancing, any kind of social office life seemed comforting. And Control boasts one of the best places in gaming, and due to its own nostalgic view of a certain type of old workplace, there’s a lot to feed one’s imagination.

The mechanics themselves are pretty fun, though the action does get repetitive the nearer the end you get as you’ve already become something of a god, flying around and throwing rocks or shooting grenades at anybody who’s mindless enough to mess with you. The omnipotence is fun at first but becomes even somewhat boring by the end. And the game is a bit too long for what it’s offering, both mechanics-wise and in its story (that intrigues for a while but kinda runs out of anything interesting by the end).

I also made the mistake of trying out the DLCs in this complete edition before I had finished the game itself or before time had made me yearn for more Control and they ended up being the worst experience I had with the game; I didn’t finish any of them.

I did finish the main game though, and while by the end I was ready to be done with it, I will cherish what the game gave me with its first half for as long as I remember COVID. So, probably for my whole life.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
