Quite a fun and good-looking strategy game on a phone, but the lack of information (e.g. damage numbers) and fiddliness (perhaps an inevitability with any non-turn-based strategy game on a cellphone) makes it an occasionally difficult game to play.

Too many times I had troops run into death because I was having difficulty selecting them; or because I had selected both melee and ranged (whether by accident or not) and they ran into melee range with ranged first. The last one kept happening because the ranged units don't stop to shoot at an enemy when in range but instead run into where you directed them and only then start shooting, forcing you to micro them around or just let them take free fire (there might have been an option somewhere to change this, but I don't remember, nor why I didn't use it if there was).

I still enjoyed it, even though not enough to hurry with finishing it before my Play subscription ran out; I also wasn't in the mood to renew it for just this (and another game) that I wasn't that enthused about. However, I might still one day return to this one at least.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
