33 Reviews liked by kindofblue28

how the fuck is this not out in english yet it is literally the first game marketed as a visual novel. like wtf.

Its a point & click that tries to be an RPG, for '94 standards I guess its kinda ambitious, but its ideas just don't work well. Still it could have been one of these 'so bad its good' game with how outlandish everything is, but sadly the gameplay is too clunky and annoying, with probably one of the worst inventories and navigation I have ever seen.

It is ironic that a game series with themes of the importance of memory – to the point where it makes sure you remember every story detail at the end of each chapter – gets a remake that deceives you with a twisted version of events.
My misgivings already took shape, knowing that at the very beginning of the game you don't get candy from the captain, and it only got worse from there.
The DS part was serviceable at best. The Wii portion, on the other hand, left a bad taste in my mouth.
I won't go into all the changes, but I will say that from the character redesigns that stripped them of their 2007 aesthetic, to the toned down BGM, to the environments that looked better on the Wii, to the progression that's more railroaded than the original that was literally on rails, to the most important thing; the creative puzzles, of which there are none. Everything feels like a cheap downgrade. A 16 hour game cut in half. The one positive being the end credits showing Taisuke Kanasaki's lovely art.
There is a part of me that still hopes for a Hotel Dusk revival, but it's obvious that it could never fulfil any expectations. I mean, what would they even do? Turn the iconic sprites into dull 3D models? It certainly won't look like that one a-ha music video.
I wasn't interested in getting Persona 3 Reload because I was doubtful of its quality. In fact, most of what I heard second-hand only confirmed this suspicion, but I still gave this one a chance, and I got my fingers burned. There are of course exceptions, but all in all, remakes are worthless.

only suda fans will hype up a walking simulator

Fairly straight forward and the levels being changed were so meh. You can't really shiny hunt and how a lot is locked behind amiibos really suck. I wish this game was given a lot of thought similarly to the original and 3DS version but alas that didn't happen. The idea of having a limited space of characters and auto removing your pokemon was an awful design choice as I would lose my legendaries left and right because they weren't high enough.
It was okay and that's pretty much it.

I never felt like the stakes were taken seriously enough by the characters. These games have their moments but the puzzles are almost patronizingly easy.

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I finished the entire first game and the first two chapters of the second; I just had to put it down.

We deserve much better video game dialogue in the year 2024. I assume the original Trace Memory didn't suffer from the dialogue problem as much since it was a simple text-based 2D DS game, but the cracks really start to show with this game's full voice acting. Ashley was endearing at points but come on man...the way everyone was like "wow today was a long day" after they saw Bill fall to his death LMFAO

Puzzles were underwhelmingly easy, and the main twists were predictable. Music was also mid for the most part.

The stylized drawn portraits and character models looked really nice but the environments had some really ugly texture work.

I am super appreciative and optimistic that Nintendo would revive these obscure ass Cing visual novels, but the way they did this was just not it for me. Would be great to see Hotel Dusk come back but if the dialogue was as terrible as it was here, honestly don't even bother.

The story of the first game was itself decently interesting but Edith Finch did it sooooooooo much better...please play Edith Finch instead!!!

$60 for this is a ripoff

very fucking cool presentation and Ideas, love seeing pearl and marina its obvious how much the dev team love these 2

overall just found it to be underwhelming, not much variety in floors/enemies, chip usefulness, lack of difficulty, length and i could go on about why i find Acht's appearance disappointing

i did have fun but i feel like most of that has to do with splatoons base gameplay being fun anyways (plus new lore hehe)

As a kid, I remember seeing Chibi Robo in a Nintendo Power magazine I'd bought, and I'd read the article over and over again because money was too tight to afford luxuries like a GameCube to play it on. I'd instead play with random toys and make up fun games with them as a weird kid that didn't have any friends.

Coming back to finally play this game after forgetting about it for so long, it was like looking back to my family and that kid version of me, with all its ups and downs.

A very important game.

Another Code R's remake genuinely gives 999 a run for its money in the "most butchered story in a modern rerelease of a cult classic visual novel" category, bravo arcsys

Removed puzzles, changed characters, ruined the artstyle. Better off emulating the originals.

this is a soulless husk of a game that i paid 48 real, hard earned dollars for and i have to live with that for the rest of my life. i could have bought food with that money. i could have been at the club

Previously lost Gregory Horror Show mobile game is getting a release on switch and pc. No english release by the looks of it but hopefully a fan translation project can pop up.

This game is more akin to watching a short as there is barely any gameplay at all, but a very interesting short with excellent soundtrack and visuals. I recommend playing if you are into 90s 3d aesthetics. Preferably at night. And with a beer. But that's just me.

If you think this game is bad I recommend Armed and Delirious.