8 reviews liked by kingdeadface

This still might be one of my favorite games of all time just for how timeless it is, no matter how many times I finish it across all the different platforms that I have done it with. XBox, kindle, iPhone, DS, and now PC. It's just a shame that the second game turned out as it did, but I'll get to that in a different review when I replay all of the second game. Cattail is the best plant design and I won't take any complaints from that.

If I had to choose a version of this game that I prefer, it's probably the mobile version. It's super convenient to just move plants to where you want them with two taps. While the only downside is that there are ads, it's a free game where you can just purchase coins in the store so that the ads go away and you now have way more coins than you need, it really helps cut down the potential grind for buying stuff from the store. If spending money on a mobile version of a game isn't for you, it's definitely the PC version you should go with because of course it is. Will definitely play this again sometime, and if there are any other ways to play this game like on another console, PLEASE tell me. I will play it on all of them.

I just remember being intrigued so I kept playing. Weird, sad, and unique.

Probably one of my first experiences with post-apocalyptic settings, the world is empty, and you can definitely feel that. You understand is meant to be like this as you find only what remains from a humanity once existed, spirits, final notes of despair, journals of loneliness, and regrets. In this empty world, each character is meaningful, even finding the curious merchant in the most emptiest of places can be disquieting at first but then comforting as the quiet parts go on and you feel lonelier, specially in the first half. Trying to explore an empty world feels redundant, but even trying to find answers when there's nothing to be done can be quite a motive to keep playing. Not a very complicated story, just an interesting unique experience.

I've had too many batshit crazy LAN matches not to give this the hardest of fives

The type of game every movie/comic book fan wants to play. Takes all the right notes from two beloved franchises and creates three incredible campaigns. The perfect videogame tie-in.

One of the best modern 3D platformers right next to Mario. Astro controls perfectly and the levels creative with fun enemies and occasional gimmicks. Includes some bonus challenge levels and fun collectibles for those that want to spend a bit more time playing. A fantastic use of the VR technology that I hope they continue to experiment with.

It made me truly a believer in VR and the best VR game I have ever played.

I understand now why this was such a killer app for the PlayStation VR. It's absolutely oozing with charm and uses VR to a highly effective and accessible degree. Each stage is sharply designed and the level design is highly varied. It's a joy to actually have to look around the world to find hidden bots and the various "powerups" with the controller were all enjoyable additions. It's impossible to not be charmed by Astro Bot, I'm glad to have picked up a PlayStation VR even if it's just to experience this lovely treat.

One of the most charming games I've ever played. And a killer app for VR, I'd honestly say it was almost worth the price of admission by itself. A very fun and unique platformer with a lot of creative ideas, and a delightful visual design. I really hope they make more of these, PlayStation has had at least one iconic first-party platformer series since the PS3, but with PS4 to now, its been very hit or miss. But this and Astro's Playroom are a sign that at least one Sony team still knows the art of the platformer.