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HELP this game................ Ive never come across such horribleness... which is so sad because the character design and theme in this game is AMAZING but the community and the lack of simple QOL features like a skip button for stories kills this game entirely. The dialouge makes me actually want to KMS because its such a waste of my time on this planet. I could literally be doing anything else and it would have a more positive impact not just on the world but MYSELF TOO. THIS GAME TAKES YEARS OFF YOUR LIFE AND MAKES YOU LOSE BRAIN CELLS. I actually cant believe I spent so much time playing this ass game. The soundtrack, environment and characters are the ONLY thing making it not 0 stars thats how good at least they are. Also fuck you for locking away any progression by having to watch HOUR LONG UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES before you can do events or other IMPORTANT THINGS TO GAMEPLAY.