this game used to terrify me as a kid and now its everything to me. huh. splatoon is a game that is so fucking broken and unplayable but in such a fun way. i miss these maps, i miss its music, and its got a solid single player campaign too. i spent 7 years begging for a wii-u to play it and now its like my only wii-u game. not to be lame, but thank you splatoon for everything. SQUID SISTERS FOREVER

im just so sad i started playing so late :( i want to be able to play it forever...

splatoon 2s one of those games where you gotta force yourself to keep playing but i still hold it dear to my heart. in my splatoon review i said its broken and unplayable in a fun way, but splatoon 2 is just broken and unplayable LMAO its still fun, definitely not my favorite of the trilogy but i still love it so much. ill say more in my review of octo expansion ;) this game has an AMAZING ost though and while id say splatoon 2s story mode is kinda weak its totally my guilty pleasure because i love the squid sisters. and off the hook is easily the best idol duo to this day

normally i cant justify giving ANYTHING five stars, but seriously. octo expansion is a work of art and im so lucky to have experienced it at the time it came out. i dont even know what to even say... its storytelling, atmosphere, pacing, level design, character development, music (this is a big one), this dlc is beautifully crafted. id sell my soul to play it for the first time again

um... splatoon 3. i like it but its different to be reviewing a game that is still getting updates, patches and changes, one you have experienced from the start and have had to deal with some crazy shit LOL. i think splatoon 3 is easily the best in the series due to its quality of life changes and better ui among other things, but i have very mixed feelings towards it. but im not going to sit here and be uncertain about the future, ill just go over some stuff im doing in it present day. i think splatoon 3s salmon run is miles better than splatoon 2s, i mean obviously right? but honestly i could play it all day (and i do.) king salmonids are such a cool addition, and big runs > splatfests. splatfests are really cool in this game, love the idea of 3 teams even if it hasnt been working in my favor much. personally i think splatoon 3s hero mode tries WAAAY too hard. it tried to bank on octo expansions success by making them the exact same but then sucking the life out of it. in my opinion it is boring and tells kind of a nothing story. i did not feel invested at all which is very sad because ive been looking forward to it for years, but oh well. i trust side order will treat me better... one last thing since this is getting long, i havent really clicked yet with deep cut. right now they have absolutely nothing going for them and im really hoping they get some interesting developments soon. BY THE WAY I DO NOT HATE THIS GAME. sorry if im overly negative, i am for some reason very critical of games i absolutely love. i look forward to what the coming years of content bring!

its good but im not clicking with it yet like i did botw. game feels way too restrictive with its story if that makes sense? like i had to look up a guide to do spirit temple early because the game was trying SO hard to make me do something i didnt want to do yet. is this an insane thing to say? im loving this game, especially the depths, and its definitely so much better than botw but i feel like its kind of messy when it comes to its story. maybe ill rate it higher when i beat it i guess, i kinda feel bad rating it like this lmao

i got this game on launch and im going to just be blunt, it sucked. like, after you get familiar with crafting and getting shops and its so much fun its suddenly... not. to have a TON of content added over a year later after i told myself "ok theres no reason to keep up with this boring ass game anymore" is such a slap in the face man. i picked it back up recently to play with my friends and after starting over my island, theres so much more to do now that wasnt there before. honestly feels like im playing a totally different game lol. its not BAD but its definitely not my favorite either. in my opinion, dialogue got repetitive and robotic when talking to your villagers, dare i say its hourly music is the worst in the series, theres just not a lot i can say i like. yet i still come back to it, years later...........



minus 1 star because its kind of buggy but its also buggy in a really funny way like i never giggle this much over a video game