well it was bound to happen but to be honest I can't help but feel underwhelmed. don't get me wrong I don't hate his inclusion and I'm happy that Kingdom Hearts fans finally got their wish. I also think Kingdom Hearts is a neat and fun concept and I find myself listening to some of the franchise's tracks on rare occasions. that said one of the only two things that I'm disappointed with is how few tracks we got. the ones we got were fine but we really could have used more. not gonna lie I kinda got a sour taste in my mouth when I didn't see Rage Awakened or Fate of the Unknown on the track list. everything else is okay I guess, his stage looks cool, his gameplay style is neat, and the Timeless alt slaps harder than it should, so yeah I guess Smash ended off on an alright note.

that said the second thing I'm disappointed with is that we didn't get Donald Duck instead, I wanted to kill my opponents with Zettaflare we were robbed

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022


1 year ago

> " so yeah I guess Smash ended off on an alright note."
> 3/10

1 year ago

I'm weird okay lol