this is the best pokemon game ever played

got to the vault in heavensward when i spoiled myself and learned of the fate of a certain character there. and so i refuse to pick it up again.

objectively the best mmo out there

(through my tears) uchikoshi you madman you've done it again

the platforming is wonky but easy enough that it doesn't really matter. as for the story, imagine everything uchikoshi's ever written and bash it into one game with a bunch of kids and it takes place over the course of a fun little road trip across japan. speaking of said kids, i'd take 17 bullets for each and every one of them. my tears have yet to dry

this is the greatest game ever created

I LOVE rhythm games, but I usually struggle with DDR-style button input games. This one wasn't an exception to that, but I still found myself enjoying it even if I had to (embarrassingly) re-do certain weeks a lot. The music really helps in that department, every track being absolute BANGERS that you can't get enough of. The artstyle's cute, too. Really fun if you have free time and are looking for a time killer

imagine being transphobic 🤢 can't relate

baby's first gacha. was kinda janky. still miss it tho

abandon ship plays threateningly in the distance

This game is an eternal fever dream. A nightmare, almost, that haunts me in my dreams. I remember playing this game when I was a wee child, a baby you might say. Can I tell you anything about it? Absolutely not. But I can tell you that it returns from the recesses of my subconscious every so often, haunting me. Reminding me of what once was. It never surfaces anything substantial. It's like looking into mossy river water: you know what may be in there, but you cannot see it. The fog is too thick, and what lays beyond is hiding. Lurking. Waiting for the day it will consume me once again.
Anyway I remember hating the battle system but this game has such a profound effect on me I feel it wouldn't be right to give it one star