humanity will never again reach the heights of Gaiden

repetitive and poor gameplay carried by the likeability of most characters and their depth

nothing difficult past a few bits but really fun and p short for an SNES rpg. it kinda sucks that like half the party isn't worth using the moment they join bc of how levelling is but i enjoyed this

did not think i'd end up liking it more than the first game. the shaman system is very cool and allows flexibility for otherwise near-useless units even if it gets undermined by some events. the cast exist more than 1's cast too. will replay

i wanted to like this game more than i do, dragon system is peak but it often locked progression behind long minigame stuff that drags on forever. part 1 was v boring & while the final stretch was p good it's a lot of mediocre with a good here & there

sprites/anims were all p much as perfect as you can get for PS1 game, it's def a bit different atmosphere-wise from the trilogy e.g. world map instead of overworld but it's v good, the cast all have their part esp Nina, cool mechanics if kinda tedious but good

it was alright, i see why it became a beloved iconic game though it didn't click with me too well even though i enjoyed characters like Vincent and Cloud

so peak i had to let the game sit a while before writing to not just call it best game ever and end it at that. it took me a while to truly understand it and post-Anor Londo, could not recreate the feeling of everything beforehand [at least to me]. but the interconnected world, almost 'rhythmic' combat, secrets and how so much rich worldbuilding was hidden, left for the player to discover, just leaves you with a special feeling and becomes one of my favourite games to think about

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