This game is MASSIVE which makes it very daunting to replay- but it is also INCREDIBLE and I would say a must-play for fans of JRPG's that also own a DS (or software that can run DS games).

The story is actually very engaging- you are uncovering the truth about the angel society that you left while at the same time solving problems for the humans that you can now interact with. It's tropey in that you start with "kill this cucumber" and end with "kill the guy who killed God," but its still engaging. The sections in swinedimples and the dragon duel in particular stand out.

The gameplay loops is classic JRPG dragon quest- its a grind, but there are enough skill-trees and classes and lovable enemy designs that the gameplay loop doesn't get old too fast (I will maintain that this game gets infinitely better once you learn Zoom, though).

The multiplayer is also very fun and the postgame is massive, meaning that you can play with friends no matter where you are in your journey.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
