playing this was one of the best days of my life

i would give my left leg to play the arcade version of this game

there is literally not a single thing about this game i don't like. perfect. masterpiece.

menu music and sfx burned into my psyche until i die

i honestly liked it less than the 2013 remaster, but it's got it's merit. i think i'm just bitter towards it for ushering in a fanbase to this otherwise deserted game series. it's definitely worth the money, like a thousand times over.

this game is insanely difficult. i have never been more frustrated with a game in my entire life than when i was playing this. pretty good

probably the best of the telltale sam & max games in my opinion, and the least annoying max will ever be again. a bit dated, though.

it's okay for what it is. possibly the most obscure game i have ever played in my life though.

there's an animals in your screen what more do you need. what more do you want.


honestly can't believe i missed that it had shut down. it was pretty good, all things considered. i wish i'd spent more time with it.

first game i'd ever played in my entire life and i wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

it's okay. i like the competitive angle more than the endless runner style of sonic dash, but it's still just kind of a time waster at best. i play it when i'm waiting in line for things and at no other points in my life.

forces was really disappointing, but i think the sting of being let down is why everyone hates it so passionately. it's an okay game on its own, not nearly the worst this franchise has to offer, just deeply underwhelming. not to mention how story driven it tries to be with no actually interesting story to back it up.

fun to try and master but it definitely gets old.