Overall, one of the best games of the generation, it’s a pity that on consoles not everything is so smooth with FPS, it’s sad that the game, like GTA 5, has 0 new add-ons, online didn’t take off and the game was closed

I had 3 copies of this game, in Ubisoft Connect on Steam, and a disc on PS4, now it’s just garbage, don’t buy games from Ubisoft, they don’t care about old fans, any game can be recalled at any time, especially where they require the network.

The game is much worse than the previous parts, the only positive thing is that you can make a sexy character, the city is empty, okay, at least it’s free in epic, but even so the game sucks.

After the last part, for me this is the worst, unreal engine is not for racing, plus the game has poor graphics optimization worse than the last part, you shouldn’t have listened to a friend, the game is a passerby, it’s better to play the old parts gran turismo.